Kajol recently shared her thoughts on the cult film ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’ (DDLJ) poster, featuring Shah Rukh Khan carrying her on his shoulder. In a recent interview, the actress revealed that she had been concerned about Shah Rukh’s well-being during the photoshoot. In the poster of the iconic film, which was released in 1995, Kajol and Shah Rukh were seen smiling at each other. Kajol wore orange traditional wear with heavy jewellery while Shah Rukh was dressed in his leather jacket and a hat.
According to Kajol, Shah Rukh had a frozen shoulder after the shoot, which made her worry even more. Despite her concerns, Kajol commended Shah Rukh for his strength and the ease with which he carried her. She admitted that she had questioned his ability to do so, but Shah Rukh reassured her, saying, “Don’t worry, I am strong.” In an interview with Curly Tales, the actress revealed this information.
Kajol was shown some pictures and was asked to express what came to her mind after seeing those images. One of the pictures was the DDLJ poster. She expressed her amazement at how effortlessly the pose appeared. She said, “Shah Rukh was standing with me on top of his shoulders. I was feeling bad.
However, she confessed that she was genuinely worried about Shah Rukh’s comfort. She acknowledged that he had handled the situation with great sweetness, making her feel light and comfortable throughout the shoot.