While the majority of Bollywood celebs continue their struggle at the box office, Alia Bhatt is having the time of her life. Following the dream run of her 8th 100 crore movie Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani, the diva is now all geared up to make her Hollywood debut in Gal Gadot’s upcoming Spy action Heart of Stone. In the eagerly awaited Netflix flicker, Alia will be raising the heat with her never-seen-before villainous avatar.
Days before her Hollywood debut, the celebrated actress answered the internet’s most searched questions about her in a QNA session with Wired. Out of all the questions, one question that surprised her the most was, “Is Alia Bhatt happy?” Hearing the question, Alia smiled a little before wondering why would anyone google that about her.
However, the actress soon answered her own question by saying that maybe it’s her deadpan expressions and resting face that makes people think if she is happy or sad. She then continued to answer all those who wonders if she is happy or not saying, “I Might look sad but I am not. I am happy. I am the happiest person alive. touch wood.” The actress further revealed that she lives in her hand for the majority of the time.
On being asked if she or her husband Ranbir Kapoor are planning to get inked, Alia told that although the couple doesn’t have any tattoos yet, they are planning to get them real soon.