Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday-starrer Dream Girl 2 was released in theatres on August 25. The film had a decent start at the box office, earning Rs 10.69 crore on its opening day, according to official numbers shared by the production house.had an overall 29.51% Hindi occupancy on Friday, according to industry tracker Sacnilk
After facing failure at the box office with his last four films, including Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui, Anek, Doctor G, and An Action Hero, Ayushmann is eyeing a big commercial success with. This is the best opening of his career, ahead of Bala (Rs 10.15 crore) and the first Dream Girl (Rs 10.05 crore)
Dream Girl 2 doesn’t have tough competition right now because movies such as Gadar 2, Jailer, and OMG 2 have already been running in theatres for two weeks. The film is a sequel to Dream Girl, which was released in the year 2019. Dream Girl also had a similar opening and had minted Rs 10.50 crores on its first day, but emerged as the biggest hit of Ayushman’s career, with Rs 142
A thrilled Ayushmann says, “It feels amazing to deliver my career’s best opening with Dream Girl 2. Dream Girl is a franchise that has given me a lot of love and I’m really happy with the start that has got at the box office.”
Ayushmann is super-charged to bring people to theatres with Dream Girl 2, a film that didn’t have any corporate bookings – a trend that had set in the Hindi film industry.