Shah Rukh Khan: He may be in the middle of his most prolific year in two decades but Shah Rukh Khan had been dormant for four years before 2023. Before Pathaan hit the screens in January this year, his last release had been Zero, back in 2023. In fact, for a time in between, the actor – who has been working for 35 years – did not go to a set for three years. Recently, Shah Rukh admitted feeling nervous about the long gap and how his son Aryan calmed him.
Shah Rukh thanked fans for their love of the film. Jawan has grossed close to Rs 700 crore at the box office. At one point during the Q&A session, Shah Rukh addressed his hiatus and said, “I did not work for a long time. I was very nervous that I had not worked for such a long time. For me to get back on a set after a period of three years itself was very new. I was feeling very different.”
As we know, his third child, AbRam was quite young when Zero was released. He is ten now. Shah Rukh Khan said that his elder son Aryan told him ‘We know when we were growing up that what stardom in the air feels like as your films were big hits’. Suhana told him that she knows what it is like but the little one AbRam only knows ‘you are a star but he hasn’t felt it in the air.’
Shah Rukh Khan The superstar shared that he is very grateful for whatever he has, which is more than he could ever imagine. But he said that he does