Animal: Ranbir Kapoor has teamed up with Kabir Singh director Sandeep Reddy Vanga for T-Series’ upcoming thriller, titled. It is said to be an extremely violent film based on family relations. The multi-starrer is scheduled to release in theatres on December 1 in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. Now, there’s a new development on Animal.
Animal poster and teaser details
Today, the makers of the film released a new interesting poster featuring Ranbir Kapoor. Wearing a blue suit and sunglasses, the actor looks full of swag. The poster reveals that on September 28, Ranbir Kapoor’s birthday, Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s film will release its much-awaited teaser. The teaser will serve as a witness to the drama and intrigue that this movie promises to give.
Bhushan Kumar has studied Shah Rukh Khan & Atlee’s success and has a well-thought-out plan for Ranbir Kapoor’s. The producer was quoted as saying, “Animal is a pan-Indian film, so we are planning to do it in multiple languages, which is not just limited to dubbing in different languages. We want to promote it all over, like Jawan did.” Additionally, Bhushan Kumar confirmed that the movie’s release date is set in stone and won’t be altered in any way.
The stars multi-talented actor Ranbir Kapoor and is directed by writer-director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandana, Bobby Deol, and Tripti Dimri are among the talented actors in this movie, guaranteeing a visual and emotional feast for all film buffs.
Produced by Bhushan Kumar & Krishan Kumar’s T-Series, Murad Khetani’s Cine1 Studios, and Pranay Reddy Vanga’s Bhadrakali Pictures, the film will be released worldwide on 1st December 2023 in 5 languages – Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam.
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