The makers of Ranbir Kapoor upcoming high-octane action thriller film Animal unveiled a new poster featuring the superstar on Monday. Ranbir can be seen in a never-seen-before rugged avatar in the latest look released by T-Series. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the film has been making headlines ever since the pre-trailer of the film was released by the makers more than 3 months ago. A teaser release date of Animal has also been announced by the makers. The teaser of Animal will be a double celebration for Ranbir Kapoor fans
The new poster of Animal features Ranbir Kapoor in a rugged look. The actor can be seen sporting a thick beard and smoking a cigarette. Ranbir looked dashing as ever in messy hair and can be seen wearing a black jacket and jeans.
The much-awaited teaser of Animal will be released on the superstar’s birthday, September 28. The teaser will be released in multiple Indian languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam
Starring Ranbir Kapoor in the titular role, Animal also features Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandana, Bobby Deol, and Tripti Dimri in pivotal roles. The film was initially slated for a theatrical release on August 11 but was pushed by the makers owing to a delay in post-production work. The animal will have a worldwide theatrical release on December 1, 2023, and will clash at the Indian box office against Vicky Kaushal’s biopic drama film Sam Bahadur