Shah Rukh Khan and his family had the best time at Nita Ambani’s Ganesh Chaturthi bash at Antilia on Tuesday. Inside pictures from the Ambani family’s Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations on Tuesday are finally here. A paparazzo took to Instagram to share the same and they showed how had the best time there with his friends and family.
A video shows them rushing and hopping to give host Nita Ambani a hug. She, too, hopped with excitement. Actor Deepika Padukone was seen fussing over Shah Rukh’s younger son Abram’s hair while Shah Rukh and his daughter Suhana Khan looked at them
Shah Rukh Khan chatted with Karan Johar, Nita Ambani’s to-be daughter-in-law Radhika Merchant, got blessings from the priest, and offered flowers at Ganpati’s feet with wife Gauri Khan. Shah Rukh was also given a saffron scarf to put around his neck which he gracefully accepted.
Fans were happy to have caught a glimpse of all that happened inside the Ambani mansion, Antilia. “Why Nita ji is so excited to see She is hopping like a little fan girl,” commented a fan. “Look at the excitement of Nita Ambani to see SRK,” wrote another.
Shah Rukh was among the many Bollywood celebrities who attended the Ganpati bash. Also present were Aishwarya Rai with daughter Aaradhya, Madhuri Dixit and Dr Nene, Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra, Rekha, Anil Kapoor, Deepika and Ranveer Singh, Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor, Boney Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Juhi Chawla, Genelia and Riteish Deshmukh and many others.
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