Actor Alia Bhatt has opened up about facing questions on nepotism during the early days of her career. Speaking with InStyle Australia, Alia also shared that she was naive about her privileged position before entering the Hindi film industry. Alia made her Bollywood debut with Karan Johar’s film Student of the Year in 2012.
In the interview, Alia Bhatt my father spoke to me like, ‘Oh, the day you want to act, we will give you this movie’. He never brought that up. Never. And, in fact, my mum struggled as an actor. Not many people know this. She was always looking for more work as an actor, she doesn’t feel like she got her acting due, and this is being married to a director and producer. You know, I’ll find a way to just enjoy that passion, even if I don’t make it big as an actor. I always had that doubt. It was not like it was ever a sure thing.”
Talking about questions on nepotism during the initial days of her career, Alia said, “My initial response to it was very defensive because I just felt like, you know, I work hard, so why the question? But I think with time and with age, you realize that there’s a lot of struggle in the world and there is a case to be made in acknowledging the headstart and acknowledging I had an easier path to get into the room.”
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