Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s grand wedding ceremonies began on Saturday with the bride-to-be’s choora ceremony. The couple’s wedding festivities are taking place at The Leela Palace in Udaipur, Rajasthan with Parineeti’s choora ceremony held in the morning. While several family members from both sides have already arrived at the venue, others are expected to arrive on Sunday for the big day. Reportedly, Parineeti Chopra cousin’s sister Priyanka Chopra was expected to attend the wedding festivities but looks like the Citadel star will be giving the ceremony in India a miss. The actor took to her social media account on Saturday to send love and blessings to Parineeti on her big day, hinting at her absence from the wedding
Priyanka Chopra took to her Instagram account on Saturday to share a picture of bride-to-be Parineeti Chopra ahead of her wedding. In the picture, Parineeti could be seen chilling by the pool. Along with the picture, Priyanka wrote, “I hope you are as happy and content as this on your big day little one. always wishing you so much love. #newbeginnings.”
While several social media users started speculating whether Priyanka would be traveling to India today to attend the grand wedding, the actor posted a video of herself along with daughter Malti Marie spending their day off at a farm with Nick Jonas’ brother Franklin. With Priyanka still in the US, it is unlikely that the actor will be coming to attend her sister’s wedding ceremony.