Jawan box office collection: Shah Rukh Khan’s action film shows no sign of slowing down, and earns almost the same amount on Tuesday and Wednesday. Jawan box office registered its lowest single-day collection yet, adding Rs 2 crore to its total, according to industry tracker Sacnilk.
Jawan Box Office has collected Rs 615 crore net in India so far, and today, it’ll pass the Rs 1100 crore gross mark at the global box office. The film opened with Rs 75 crore on September 7, a record for Hindi movies, but peaked on its first Sunday, when it made Rs 80 crore. In the subsequent days, Jawan Box Office broke the records for the fastest Hindi film to pass the Rs 100 crore, Rs 200 crore, Rs 300 crore, Rs 400 crore, and Rs 500 crore marks, before becoming the first Bollywood movie to make more than Rs 600 crore in India.
Shah Rukh Khan starrer is still doing what others fail to do after reaching a certain point- getting good numbers even after 28 days of its release. The Atlee directorial has been on a record-breaking spree right from the day it collected Rs 75 crore on day 1, becoming the highest opener in the Hindi film industry.
Bollywood movies 2023: Up next, Shah Rukh Khan will be seen alongside Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal in Dunki, directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The film is scheduled to open to theatres in December this year. Dunki will clash with Prashanth Neel and Prabhas’ Salaar.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan’s debut film, The Archies, will also be released in December. The Netflix project, by Zoya Akhtar, will premiere on December 7.
ALSO READ: Jawan’s box office collection Day 18: Shah Rukh Khan’s movie inches towards ₹1,000 crore