Saira Banu recalled an incident when Vinod Khanna once ‘disappeared somewhere’ while rehearsing for a film when Dilip Kumar visited their studio. Taking to Instagram on Friday, Saira also revealed that when Vinod Khanna decided to become a disciple of Osho, the ‘entire industry was crestfallen’. Saira also shared old photos and penned a long note on Vinod’s 77th birth anniversary.
The first picture was a poster of Aarop featuring Vinod, Saira, and Vinod Mehra. The second slide was a brief clip of Saira Banu and Vinod Khanna. The last video featured Vinod Khanna hugging Dilip Kumar as Sunny Deol looked on. Sharing the pictures, Saira wrote, “Vinod loved Sahib incredibly. He was a very thoughtful man. Once, he and I were shooting at Natraj Studios for Guru Dutt’s film AAROP directed by Atmaramji
She added, “On the very same day, Sahib was headed to the airport and I had requested him to stop by the Studio before his flight to Delhi. As Sahib arrived, Vinod, Johnny Walker Bhai, and I were rehearsing a scene. While Sahib walked in, Vinod disappeared somewhere. Soon after, Atmaramji sent assistants to look for him so that we could go ahead with the shot.
The veteran actor also said, “Vinod took pretty long to come onto the set and Sahib had already left. As soon as Vinod appeared I asked him, ‘Where were you for so long?’ Vinod laughed and said, ‘Oh! Boy! Do you think I can act and perform while Dilipji, ‘The Master Of Acting’ is watching? I would be shaking with nervousness! So I absconded!
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