Aishwarya Rai has shared a cropped picture of her father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan with her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan a day after his 81st birthday. On Wednesday, Amitabh’s granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda posted the original picture featuring herself, her brother Agastya Nanda as well as grandmother Jaya Bachchan
Taking to Instagram on Thursday, Aishwarya Rai posted a cropped and closeup picture featuring Amitabh Bachchan and Aaradhya. In the photo, Aaradhya Bachchan hugged her grandfather Amitabh. They smiled and posed for the picture. While Amitabh was seen in a pink and blue jacket, Aaradhya wore a maroon outfit. Sharing the photo, Aishwarya wrote, “(Red heart emoji) always (heart with ribbon emoji, nazar amulet). God Bless (sparkles emoji).
Amitabh’s son Abhishek Bachchan also extended heartfelt wishes to his father. Taking to Instagram, Abhishek shared a picture with his father. “My idol, my hero, my inspiration, and my best friend! Happy 81st birthday, Pa. Love you and always got your back,” he captioned it. In the picture, the father-son duo are seen posing in stylish outfits.
The veteran actor began his birthday celebrations by greeting fans outside his house Jalsa at the midnight hour. He came outside for a few minutes to greet his fans
Several celebrities also wished him on the occasion. Ajay Devgn shared a picture on Instagram and wrote, “Working with you is just as fun as it looks in the picture. Happy birthday, Amit Ji! Wishing you love, health, and happiness
Shah Rukh Khan shared a picture which he captioned, “Tough runs don’t last….tough runners do. And Sir you are the toughest of them all. Last 30 years just being around u and breathing the same air as you.