MP Election Today’s issue: Jogi has become a haven for Congress rebels in Chhattisgarh elections. While the rebels have the support of Jogi, Jogi Congress is also consolidating its ground with the help of the rebels. Who will the rebels prevail in the elections or will they prove to be mere vote-getters?In the MP Election battle of 2023, BJP-Congress rebels are taking the support of Jogi and are not only trying their luck but are also deciding the political future of JCCJ.

Statement of Gorelal Burman, former Congress leader
The rift that started after the release of the lists of the two major parties is now becoming more intense. On Friday also, Gorelal Burman, candidate for ticket from Pamgarh, joined Jogi Congress and also made various allegations.Gorelal Burman, former Congress leader also gave his statement and said, “The Congress high command did not listen to the sentiments of the general public of Pamgarh Assembly.
Therefore, keeping in mind the future of Chhattisgarh and the future of Pamgarh, under the pressure of my workers, the general public needs an alternative, hence I am contesting this election with Jogi ji.”
Rebellion intensifies in elections
It was believed that the party would cease to exist after former CM Ajit Jogi. But, the rebels of BJP-Congress are looking for their future in JCCJ only and the biggest split is visible in Congress itself. After the cancellation of tickets of 22 MLAs, many contenders are also sulking and looking for new possibilities.
But, Congress is not taking this break seriously. He believes that if the rebel leaders were strong, Congress would have given them the ticket.