Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made heads turn with her stunning appearance at Manish Malhotra’s Diwali bash. Ash looked pretty in pink, and fans are hailing the gorgeous beauty even at the age of 50. Aishwarya was seen making her presence alone, and the netizens were questioned about the absence of the Bachchan family. There are a lot of comments on the video of Aishwarya making a solo entry at the Diwali bash of designer Manisha Malhotra
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan attended the bash, and it is only speculated that Abhishek Bachchan is out of town; the star couldn’t make it. One user commented, “Ye kbi husband ke sath kyu nai diktat”. Another user said, “Finally daughter is not sewed to her hand . Lolz”. Aishwarya often gets trolled and called a controlling mother to her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan.
Just look at them; how beautiful are they? Suhana Khan looked drop-dead gorgeous. While Agastya is a handsome boy. Agastya and Suhana are reportedly dating. While they are good friends they have known each other since childhood.
Agastya Nanda, Suhana Khan, and the entire cast of The Archies were decked up in traditional attire to attend the Diwali bash of Manish Malhotra
Just look at them; how beautiful are they? Suhana Khan looked drop-dead gorgeous. While Agastya is a handsome boy. Agastya and Suhana are reportedly dating. While they are good friends they have known each other since childhood.
Bollywood and rumours have a long-standing relationship. While some rumours eventually turn out to be true, some are debunked right away and some die a slow death. Abhishek Bachchan has taken the second route and reacted to the rumours of him entering politics.