On Sunday, State Home Minister Narottam Mishra accused MP Congress chairman Kamal Nath of betraying Datia and treating it like a stepchild. Speaking at a campaign event here, Mishra accused Kamal Nath and the Congress of being the perpetrators in Datia and asked him to explain to the people why, during the 15 months of his government, he had stopped the district’s development plans and taken them to Chhindwara.
How about a public apology for his transgression? In his fifteen months as governor, what gift has Kamal Nath offered Datia? How did Kamal Nath bring the Rs. 2600 crore canal project from Datia to Chhindwara? Give a reason for your rejection from Datia Municipal Corporation. He questioned, “Why did you stop the money for Datia Ring Road?”
He continued by saying that although Digvijaya Singh, the previous chief minister, and Kamal Nath visit Datia to solicit votes, they engage in deceit in the name of progress. “The people will give these hypocrites a hard lesson this time around so they can never lie again,” he declared.
“Name one farmer whose loan Congress waived,” I asked.
Regarding the release of farmer loans, Mishra also criticized the establishment party, stating, “Kamal Nath ji was saying that Congress had waived the loans of 72,000 farmers of Datia.” Names of farmers whose loans up to Rs 2 lakh have been forgiven, please. “KamalNath should tell what he had done for Datia in his government,” he added, accusing the Congress leaders of fabricating white falsehoods in order to get votes. It is time for Digvijaya Singh to explain what he accomplished for Datia in his ten years in office.
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