Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji has recently shared interesting deets about her upcoming third installment of the Mardaani series. The gorgeous actress is all set to reprise her role as the formidable cop Shivani Shivaji Roy. Rani’s character has always won millions of hearts with her performance in films.
Rani who was last seen in Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway has confirmed that Mardaani 3 is set to be her next venture.
Well, Rani said that the script of Mardaani 3 has been penned down by Gopi Puthrans over the past few months and now it is in the final form. Do you know, that Rani’s husband and famous filmmaker Aditya Chopra has given his approval to the script? The cast of Mardaani 3 will be cast soon.
Mardaani 3 is scheduled to release next year and in this film, Rani has been playing the role of a strong character. The actress said that as an actor she believes that one does not want to do a film because it sounds good. She said that they take a film when the script is good and when they want to make a film that makes a difference.
She added that Mardaani 3 just cannot be made if the story does not have that substance. Rani Mukerji said that the story has to be something that people relate to today and girls find it empowering.
Rani’s Mardaani series has been a quite success and received appreciation from the critics and audience. Mardaani 2 featured Rani, Jisshu Sengupta, Komal Chhabria, and Sunny Hinduja, while Mardaani included Rani Mukerji