Karan Johar is currently riding high on the success of his recently released film ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’, which starred Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt in the lead and marked the end of his directorial sabbatical in Bollywood. In a recent interview, Karan spoke about being called ‘Movie Mafia’, and we know that it’s Kangana Ranaut who calls him that and has been calling him that for years on social media and in her interviews. Scroll below to read his reaction to it.
Karan Johar is one of the most successful and established directors in Bollywood, who is known for his wit and for making romantic films in Hindi cinema. The director has over 15 million followers on Instagram, and we love his adorable and candid reels on the platforms, mainly when it includes his kids – Yash & Roohi.In a recent interview with Sucharita Tyagi, Karan Johar opened up on being labeled as ‘Movie Mafia’ and said, “All I had to be was resilient.
The filmmaker further said, “All I had to be was resilient at that time because I had to be strong for my own mom and for myself. You feel kind of naked after that has happened. Abhi toh kapde utar di hai sabne. Abhi kya chupana? Kisske ladna? (I have nothing to hide anymore.) Everyone has kind of stormed into your life and made assumptions. They don’t know who I am. They just have this perception of the mafia or something they keep talking about. They don’t know how a producer on a daily basis is trying to get his or her cast.