Alia Bhatt who is currently celebrating her Hollywood debut, Heart of Stone, recently took to Instagram to host an AMA session with her fans. When one of the users asked her about the best way to deal with toxicity and criticism, the actor shared her insight. Alia’s recent make-up tutorial where she spoke about her husband Ranbir Kapoor not liking her wearing lipstick sparked a lot of criticism from fans.
Answering her fan’s question on Instagram, Alia Bhatt wrote, “Constructive criticism is the best way to grow, but words that are meant to hurt you can only hurt if you let them… No one can take you who are away from you… cultivate a life so full of love and gratitude that toxicity wouldn’t even REACH you.
Another fan asked Alia: “How are you handling work and baby as a new mom? I feel so guilty at times.” The actress replied “Parenting is a lifelong role. I don’t think you can ever have all the answers or be perfect.. all I strive to do is live each day with love and only love .. because there’s no such thing as too much love.”
The ‘Student of the Year actress revealed that she takes a nap in her free time during shoot breaks. She also posted a picture of herself sleeping on the bed in a green floral dress.
One fan asked her “Why so positive”, to which she said: “Why not? It’s not like I don’t have bad days… but I choose to be grateful for life & just shine like the sun does every day without complaining.
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