Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel-starrer Gadar 2 continues to roar at the Indian box office. Directed by Anil Shara, the film scripted history by becoming the fastest Hindi film to cross the Rs 500 crore mark in India. The film is now inching closer to breaking the record held by Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan to become the highest-grossing Hindi film ever in the history of Indian cinema. On day 25 of its release, the film maintained a steady pace at the box office. With the release of Shah Rukh’s Jawan just a few days away, Gadar 2 aims to break the records made by Pathaan before the Jawan storm hits the theatres.
On Monday, the film collected nearly Rs 2.5 crore to take its total box office collection in India to Rs 503.67 crore. The film is maintaining a solid hold at the box office and is unaffected by new movie releases including Ayushmann Khurrana’s Dream Girl 2. Gadar 2 is expected to cross the Rs 520 crore mark in India during its lifetime
On Saturday night, Sunny Deol threw a grand success bash for Gadar 2 which was attended by the top celebrities in Bollywood. The three Khans including Shah Rukh, Salman, and Aamir were also in attendance at the event along with Sanjay Dutt, Anupam Kher, Kartik Aaryan, Sara Ali Khan, Kriti Sanon, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Sidharth Malhotra, Kiara Advani and others.