Imran Khan has penned a long post on his 2013 film Once Upon a Time in Mumbai Dobaara and praised his co-stars Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha. Taking to Instagram on Saturday, Imran revealed how he ‘took a lot of styling cues from Anil Kapoor and Jackie Shroff’. He also responded to his fans and trolls in the comment section of the post
Imran Khan shared several pictures from the sets of the film. In the first photo, he sat on a bike and looked at the camera. He was seen holding Sonakshi Sinha’s hand in the second photo. The third picture was an action scene featuring him and Akshay Kumar. The last picture, a BTS from the sets, showed Imran, Sonakshi, and Akshay standing next to a small plane. All of them wore a white T-shirts that read, “Once Upon A Time in IPL”. They smiled as they held one another and looked at the camera
Sharing the pictures, he wrote, “Once Upon Ay Time in Mumbai Dobaara (that’s the official spelling, zoom in on the poster if you don’t believe me) was a tricky film. It was perceived and marketed as a gangster movie, but I had always seen it as a tragic romance; while the characters are gangsters, the plot is entirely driven by the love story, not the cops vs. robbers stuff. I was excited about the retro vibe of the film, and I took a lot of styling cues from Anil Kapoor (Mashaal) and Jackie Shroff in their 80s glory. I grew out my sideburns and mustache in an attempt to be authentic