Ajay Devgn’s Singham Again is the talk of the town now. Recently, Rohit Shetty and Ajay Devgn recently did a puja as they began shooting. However, it seems that the film might land in trouble with the latest statement given by a Bombay High Court judge. Justice Gautam Patel has said that films like Singham give out a dangerous message
At an event organized by the Indian Police Foundation to mark the annual day and Police Reforms Day, Justice Gautam Patel said that in the movies, police rail against judges who are shown as docile, timid, thickly spectacled, and often very badly dressed
He further added that the police in films accuse the courts of letting the guilty go and the police cop delivers justice single-handedly. He then gave an example of Ajay Devgn’s film, He said that in Singham it is shown in its climax scene that the entire police force descends on a politician played by Prakash Raj and then they show that justice has now been served.
He called it a dangerous message sent by the film. Justice Patel said that there is a process and they decide if the accused is innocent or guilty. He said, “These processes are slow…they have to be…because of the cardinal principle that the liberty of an individual is not to be confiscated. If this process was abandoned in favour of “shortcuts”, then we subvert the rule of law.
Singham was released in July 2011 and fans are now waiting for it. Talking about Singham Again along with Ajay Devgn as Singham, the film will also star Ranveer Singh as Simmba, and Akshay Kumar as Veer Sooryavanshi.
ALSO READ: Singham: “Films Like ‘Singham’ Send Very Harmful Message,” High Court Judge