Recently it was reported that Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone will be heading to Italy for the filming of two songs for their upcoming movie Fighter. Now, a behind-the-scenes photo of Deepika Padukone is doing the rounds on social media, and fans are convinced the picture, which shows her in heavy makeup, is from the shoot. As per a recent report by ETimes, Hrithik will be showcasing his toned physique in one of the dance numbers.
Sharing it on Twitter (X), a fan page said the sun-kissed image, which showed the actor dressed in black and posing with someone, was from Italy. Deepika wore striking eye makeup and had her hair styled in soft curls. She smiled wide as she took the selfie. The fan page tweeted, “Deepika Padukone spotted on the sets of Fighter at Phi Beach in Italy (heart eyes emoji).
Meanwhile, a video of Deepika Padukone and her sister Anisha Padukone being amazed by a magic trick at a restaurant during their Dubai trip has also emerged online. Sharing the clip, another fan page tweeted, “Magic trick with Deepika and Anisha at a restaurant in Dubai last month.”
Directed by Siddharth Anand, Fighter is being touted as India’s first aerial action film. Produced by Viacom18 Studios and Marflix Pictures, Fighter also features Anil Kapoor. On Independence Day 2023, the cast and makers of the upcoming film dropped the motion poster featuring Hrithik, Deepika, and Anil.
The film was announced in January 2021, but the pre-production was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The film’s shooting finally began in November 2022. The film has reportedly been shot in Assam, Hyderabad, and Jammu & Kashmir, among other places.