As Amitabh Bachchan celebrates his 81st birthday today, the internet has been speculating why his son Abhishek Bachchan and daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan aren’t part of the celebrations. The two haven’t posted anything for Amitabh on their social media handles either. However, a viral video of Amitabh greeting his fans on late Tuesday night seems to have the answer.
In a video posted by multiple paparazzi accounts, Amitabh is seen greeting and waving at his fans who gathered outside his Mumbai residence, Jalsa, on Tuesday night to wish the actor well. However, if one zooms in on the background, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Amitabh’s granddaughters Aradhya Bachchan and Navya Naveli Nanda can be seen at the doorstep of the bungalow.
Navya seems to be recording the large crowd that has gathered outside Jalsa on her phone. Aishwarya seems to be fiddling with her phone too, as she briefly engages with Navya before capturing the moment outside Jalsa on her phone as well. Aradhya is also seen teeming with excitement by her mother’s side.
On Tuesday night, Navya shared a group-hug picture on her Instagram Stories with Amitabh, grandmother Jaya Bachchan, brother Agastya Nanda, and Aradhya, wishing her ‘nana’ a happy birthday. Her mother Shweta Bachchan also posted a collage of her hugging Amitabh on her Instagram post.
When the internet could spot the entire Bachchan family on the occasion, with the exception of Abhishek, they began wondering if the actor was away shooting. However, Abhishek informed everyone he was also a witness to the celebration, as Aishwarya connected him virtually on the phone at the time of Amitabh greeting his fans, as can be seen in the viral video.