Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s dreamy royal wedding in Udaipur was a treat for all those who attended it. The actor also unveiled a beautiful wedding video to share with her fans on social media. A month after the grand wedding, a new video of the haldi and choora ceremony has now appeared on social media.
The new video of the customs surrounding the haldi and choora ceremony of Raghav and Parineeti provides a glimpse of what went inside the venue. The video opened with a view of the exotic setting of the pre-wedding ceremony. We then get to see Parineeti in a yellow anarkali outfit and multicolored striped dupatta. As different family members help her tie the kale, she smiles. His brother even exclaims, “It’s a tough job!”
The scene changes to Parineeti Chopra and Raghav sitting beside each other for the Haldi ceremony. Parineeti looked stunning in a rani pink lehenga, while Raghav chose an off-white bandhgala for the occasion. Several close friends and relatives were then seen applying turmeric on Parineeti’s cheeks as she giggled
Both of them looked at each other for a brief while and smiled. A later scene also saw several guests spray water on Raghav, who attempted to cover his head. Parineeti also performed the choora and kaleera rituals with her family and friends and danced together. She also planted a kiss on Raghav’s cheeks in a precious moment.
Parineeti and Raghav had some of their pre-wedding festivities in Delhi before they moved to Udaipur for the two-day celebration. There was a cricket match between the Chopras and Chadhas as well as a three-legged race among the pre-wedding activities.