Kajol is known for her sense of humor and one-liners, which she occasionally shares with her fans as well. On Friday morning, Kajol took to Instagram Stories to share something about her recent conversation with her daughter Nysa Devgan. She shared her daughter’s response, when she asked her to check her attitude and then hailed her for the same.
Kajol’s Instagram Stories read, “I told my daughter to check her attitude and she looks at me and said, ‘For complaints about attitude please contact the manufacturer’. Well played well played
On Thursday, Kajol shared her interesting perspective on people, who don’t cook. She wrote on Instagram Stories, “Not all of us were made to cook. Some of us were only made to have conversations with the person cooking,” and added a few laughing emojis.
Earlier in the day, she had shared a glimpse of a coffee mug with the quote ‘Life is not a fairytale. If you lose a shoe at midnight, you are drunk’ written on it.
In a 2017 interview with NDTV, Kajol said that her daughter is even better than her when it comes to having a sense of humor. She had said, “My daughter has a fantastic sense of humor. Love her sense of humor. She just keeps me in splits most of the time. She is so, so witty. Sometimes she is a little sarcastic and she’s so funny.