Akshay Kumar is set to reunite with former co-star Raveena Tandon and has talked about it in a new interview. Speaking with the news agency ANI, Akshay has said he is looking forward to the shoot of Welcome to the Jungle which brings them together onscreen after almost twenty years.
Akshay Kumar told the news agency, “We’re doing a film called ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ for which we will begin shooting soon. And that song is a brilliant song and even Tip Tip Barsa Paani also. We’ve done maximum hit films together and I am looking forward to starting the shoot (of Welcome to the Jungle) after a long long time and we will be together on the same screen.”
Akshay and Raveena have worked together in hit films such as Main Khiladi Tu Anari and Mohra. Former costars and ex-couple, Akshay and Raveena have also featured together in popular songs Tu Cheez Badi Hai Mast Mast and Tip Tip Barsa Paani. They were last seen together in Police Force An Inside Story in 2004.
Talking about the broken engagement earlier this year, Raveena had told ANI, “We were a hit pair, during Mohra, and even now, when we bump into each other socially, we all meet, we all chat. Everyone moves on. Girls have been changing their boyfriends every week in colleges, but one engagement that has broken is still stuck in my head, I don’t know why. Everyone moves on, people have divorced, they move on, what’s the big deal.”