Arjun Rampal the renowned Bollywood actor, recently took to social media to share his pride as his daughter, Myra Rampal, made her ramp debut at India Couture Week. In an Instagram post, Arjun shared a captivating video montage of Myra’s pictures and videos from the fashion week, expressing his immense happiness and admiration for her achievement. The doting father wrote, “So so proud of my little, @myra_rampal who’s currently killing it on the runway @fdciofficial #coutureweek.” The post was met with heartwarming reactions from Arjun’s loved ones, including his girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades, who shared a clapping emoji
Filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor also took to the comments section to share his amazement at Myra’s rapid growth and development, accompanied by a heart emoji. Fans were quick to shower their compliments, with one admirer noting, “She looks like her mom! So beautiful and elegant. Arjun’s former friend, reminiscing about their time together doing shows in India, shared their excitement for Myra’s success, stating, “Watching your beautiful daughter reminds me of our awesome time doing shows in India with you guys! Such an amazing experience for us South Africans!
Myra’s multifaceted talent was also praised by Arjun’s fan page, who acknowledged her abilities in both modeling and painting, describing her as a complete artist. A fan in the comments section attributed her modeling skills to her “Modelling genes,” while another simply referred to her as “pretty.
This news comes shortly after Arjun Rampal welcomed his fourth child last week. The actor’s girlfriend, Gabriella Demetriades, gave birth to their second son. Arjun, 50, joyously announced the birth on Instagram, revealing, “‘My family and I are blessed with a beautiful baby boy today. Mother and son are both doing well.
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