Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s elder son Aryan Aryan Khan has been pampered a lot by his parents. has been pampered a lot by his parents. Right from owning expensive clothes to luxury watches, Aryan Khan has been pampered a lot by his parents. is living a lavish life. The star kid aims to become a director and will make his directorial debut with the film titled Stardom. He has launched a premium vodka brand and also a luxury wear label. As per DNA, SRK and his wife Gauri’s net worth is around Rs. 8096 crores. Sameer Wankhede Shares Cryptic Post ‘I fear no hell of You’ amid Shah Rukh Khan’s viral Baap-beta dialogue
Janhvi Kapoor has become a bankable name in the industry and she has created a niche for herself in Bollywood. Boney Kapoor and late actress Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi is a well-established name now. The star kid enjoys a luxurious life and is one of the highest-earning actresses in Bollywood. As per Lifestyle Asai, Janhvi’s net worth is around Rs. 58-60 crores. While her father Boney Kapoor’s net worth is said to be Rs. 245 – 300 crores.
Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor’s daughter Shanaya Kapoor was supposed to make her debut with Karan Johar’s production Bedhadak and Screw Dheela. But now the star kid will make her debut with south superstar Mohanlal in a pan-India film backed by Ekta Kapoor’s production house.