Gossip Girl fame Ed Westwick is in India with his girlfriend, actor Amy Jackson. The latter showed Ed around Mumbai on Thursday. The two were seen kissing in front of the Gateway of India. Ed took to his social media platforms to share pictures with Amy and wrote, “Gateway 2 India.” In the pictures, he and Amy are seen having a good time as they visit different places in Mumbai and gorge on breakfast at the iconic Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.
Ed Westwick fans were quite excited to see him having a good time in the city of dreams and they wrote comments on his post asking how’s he’s liking Mumbai. One fan wrote, “Yaay what do you like the most about India so far?” Another fan wrote, “Hey you look amazing, when ur next film or series,” yet another fan wrote, “Omg CHUCK, what are you doing in India?.”
After visiting various places in Mumbai, Ed and Amy stepped out for a dinner date at a posh restaurant in the suburbs. The two also posed for paps and were seen hugging each other for the cameras.
Any, who was last seen in Rajinikanth’s 2.0 along with Akshay Kumar, had announced that she’s in a relationship with Ed via a social media post where she called him “the love of my life,” while wishing him on his birthday a few weeks ago. She had written, “Happy Birthday to the love of my life – I thank God for you every day. You’re home and an adventure of a lifetime all mixed into one. If you don’t already.