Gadar 2 is unstoppable at the box office and the Sunny Deol-led juggernaut showed no sign of stopping on its third day. The Anil Sharma directorial had a smashing Sunday, with collections estimated at Rs 52 cr, reported industry tracker Sacnilk. This is the highest day for Gadar 2 so far after its equally landmark start of Rs 40 cr followed by Saturday, where the film earned Rs 43 cr.
With Sunday’s big push in collections, Gadar 2’s weekend collection total now stands at Rs 135 cr. According to Trade, the film will now aim to record a steady Monday collection and go on overdrive again on Tuesday, which is Independence Day. The holiday push will ensure Gadar 2 cruises past Rs 200 cr with ease
The movie will undoubtedly lure spectators to theaters because Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel are collaborating once more. With its massive receipts, the sequel has been able to break box office records.
Gadar 2 follows Tara Singh as he risks crossing the border in an audacious effort to save his son, Utkarsh Sharma, who has been kidnapped in Pakistan. Gadar 2, which is set in Lahore in 1971, masterfully builds on the action-packed scenes of its predecessor while displaying Tara Singh’s unrelenting rage at those who incite animosity between India and Pakistan.
Anil Sharma’s “Gadar 2,” which debuted on August 11 and competed with Akshay Kumar’s “OMG 2,” was directed. It is a follow-up to the 2001 movie “Gadar: Ek Prem Katha,” which was based on the 1947 Indian Partition. According to reports, the movie is partially based on Boota Singh, a former soldier in the British army.
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