Gadar 2 is roaring and how! The movie helmed by Anil Sharma starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel as Tara Singh and Sakina has received a thunderous response at the box office. It has become one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of the year 2023. On day 8, the second Friday, the film reportedly made Rs 20.50 crore at the box office. Though a slight dip, numbers are still pretty excellent and are expected to see a jump on the weekend
With the day 8 collections, Gadar 2 has now entered the Rs 300 crore club in India. The total India Net Collection is Rs 305.13 crore approximately as reported by total worldwide collection of the film is Rs 395.10 crore. By the end of the second weekend, it will easily go past the Rs 400 crore mark
OMG 2 stars Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi, and Yami Gautam made Rs 6.03 crore on the eighth day at the box office. The film has remained stable with its numbers. In fact, on the second Friday, OMG 2 witnessed a little spike in numbers. On Thursday, the movie made Rs 5.58 crore. On Friday, it made Rs 6.03 crore
OMG 2 is inching pretty close to Rs 100 crore club as the total collection of the film stands at Rs 91.08 crore. It is India Net Collection. Rajinikanth movie released on August 10 has now slowed down at the box office. On the ninth day, the film made Rs 9.00 crore at the box office. On the first day of the release, the number was touching almost Rs 50 crore.