In her first public appearance since her car crash in Italy last month, Swades actor Gayatri Joshi and her husband Vikas Oberoi graced the red carpet at the grand launch of Jio World Plaza in Mumbai. On Tuesday, Gayatri posed for paparazzi with Vikas, who is the chairman and MD of Oberoi Realty, for the first time since their car accident in Italy made headlines.
Gayatri Joshi wore a yellow dress with feathered sleeves, while Vikas, whose current net worth as per a Forbes report stands at $3.7 billion, was in a blue suit. The two smiled and posed for pictures as they arrived together at the Jio World Plaza launch event. In a video shared by a paparazzo on Instagram, Vikas walked ahead as Gayatri posed solo for pictures, but joined her after being asked by photographers to pose for pictures.
Oberoi Realty, in a statement at the time, had said, “Our chairman and managing director Mr Vikas Oberoi, and his wife Mrs Gayatri Oberoi had met with accident in Sardinia, Italy on 2nd October 2023. By God’s grace, they both are unhurt and have returned back home to Mumbai safely.
Gayatri, who was seen alongside Shah Rukh Khan in Ashutosh Gowariker’s 2004 film Swades, had confirmed in a Free Press Journal report last month that she and her husband were doing ‘absolutely fine’ after the car crash. The portal quoted Gayatri as saying, “Vikas and I are in Italy. We met with an accident here… With God’s grace, we both are absolutely fine.
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