Actor Hrithik Roshan has given a glimpse of his fitness journey over the last few months. Taking to Instagram on Tuesday, Hrithik also posted several pictures showing how he transformed himself. The actor also credited his girlfriend-actor Saba Azad for helping him reach his goal.
In the first picture collage, Hrithik Roshan posted a selfie of himself from August 31 and another from October 7 showing the changes in his body during the period. The next collage is of Hrithik on August 28 and another on October 7. The last photo is of the actor on August 25 and then again on October 4. He also shared three voice notes his mentor sent him.
Sharing the pictures, Hrithik wrote, “5 weeks. Start to finish. Post vacation to post-shoot. Mission accomplished. Thank you knees, back, ankles, shoulders, and spine and mind. You guys love a good fight. I love you all. Now time to rest and recuperate and begin to find an even better balance.”
He also added, “The hardest part – was saying NO to other important things, loved ones, friends, social occasions, school PTM’s and even extended work hours. 2nd hardest part is getting into bed by 9 p.m. The easiest part – having a partner who is like-minded in thoughts and actions. Thank you, Sa.”
Hrithik also said, “The best part – having a mentor like Mr Kris Gethin who one can follow blind. Thank you Mr Gethin for that expertise. Person I couldn’t do it without – my man Swapneel Hazare. Thank you to my team. I am blessed to have these humans on my side.”
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