Actor Imran Khan has been sharing stories and anecdotes about how things in Bollywood used to be when he was still actively working as an actor. In his latest post, he talked about how he too was obsessed with bulked-up bodies of male actors and was often criticized for his skinny body.
Imran Khan wrote that he had always been a skinny person, but that wasn’t good enough to be a Bollywood hero. “I’m one of those hyper-metabolic people, my body just burns through whatever I consume. Oh no, what a terrible affliction! In my late teens, guys around me started joining gyms and working out. They started to expand, their biceps stretching the sleeves of their t-shirts. I wore a size S, and my sleeves were still loose,” he said about his body type.
“I didn’t need to be muscular to play Jai Singh Rathore (his character in Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Naa)… but I was convinced that I was too skinny, which is why Jai mostly wears two layers of clothing throughout Jaane Tu. For my next film, Kidnap, I hit the gym in earnest, and began my journey with bodybuilding,” he said.
Imran also revealed the mean comments he had to face from filmmakers for his physique. “Over the next few years, the sculpting and maintenance of my body became part of my lifestyle. I worked out regularly, but still, I would hear “So… you’ll bulk up a bit before we start shooting, right?”; “You’re looking weak”, “You look like a little boy, not a man”, and “The heroine looks bigger than you” (ouch for both of us),” he wrote.
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