Janhvi Kapoor has wrapped up the shoot of her upcoming film Ulajh. She shared a long post about her experience of working on the film, the title of which was not shared in the post, along with a few pictures from the sets. She said the story of the film “coincidently intertwined with things happening” in her life.
Sharing the behind-the-scene pictures, Janhvi Kapoor wrote on Instagram, “It’s a wrap (heart emoji) still having dreams of the world we tried to create. Each film has been a lesson, and its story is deeply and coincidently intertwined with things happening in my life. And through Suhana’s journey, and the journey of making this film- my biggest learning has been to allow yourself to love what you do, to identify if you’re doing it for the right reasons, and to let go of baggage and external pressures, and opinions. To get off a hamster wheel that leads to nowhere and let yourself walk at your own pace, as long as you believe in where you’re going
Penning a note for Ulajh director Sudhanshu Saria, she added, “@iamsuds you have made me believe in myself in a way that I didn’t even know I needed. You made me feel heard, and seen and made me want to fight battles that I never knew I had a right to even be a part of. To see you smile in the face of each obstacle and embrace each challenge with enthusiasm is beyond inspiring.”