Jawan actor Shah Rukh Khan is riding high on success after giving massive blockbusters like Pathaan and Jawan, and now all eyes are on Dunki, and finally, the superstar has hinted at the release of his most-awaited next with Rajkumar Hirani. Shah Rukh Khan was asked about the release date of Dunki, to which the superstar replied, “26 January ko hum start kia with Pathaan, Janmashtami mai Jawan lekar aaya hu, Aur abhi naya saal aane waala hai, Christmas hai, usme mai Dunki leke aane waala hoon, saare National integration rakhta hoon, waise bhi jab meri film aati hai us din Eid hoti hai”. Well, we cannot agree more
Shah Rukh Khan’s film releases are not just movie releases but festivals for King Khan’s fans, and Pathaan and Jawan are the biggest examples. And now fans can wait for Shah Rukh Khan to create the magic all over again at the box office with Dunki.
Dunki will be the first-ever collaboration between Shah Rukh Khan and Rajkummar Hirani, and it is said that the superstar will be playing the role of a Punjabi guy who faced the flight of immigration in the film. Taapsee Pannu will be seen opposite King Khan, and the Srkians cannot wait to witness this blockbuster film. In one of his interviews, Shah Rukh Khan spoke about making a comeback after 4 years
and three releases and mentioned that he isn’t nervous at all as he is confident all three will be blockbusters. Well, with the two films, he has been right, and let’s see if the superstar will hit the hat trick.