Fashion designer Manish Malhotra, on Thursday, hosted a grand couture show at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai. Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt were seen as the showstoppers at the show which had celebrities from Bollywood and the business world in attendance. Deepika Padukone was also present to cheer for her husband Ranveer Singh.
Another famous family present at the show was the Ambanis. Mukesh Ambani attended the show withhis mother Kokilaben Ambani and daughter Isha Ambani. The evening’s showstoppers were Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh, who walked the ramp together showcasing Manish Malhotra’s latest collection.
During the event, a heartwarming video captured the moment Deepika Padukone warmly hugged Mukesh Ambani upon meeting him. A paparazzo on Instagram shared the video, showing Deepika elegantly clad in a sheer white saree with a backless halter blouse and her hair tied in a top knot. She approached businessman Mukesh Ambani with warmth, and they engaged in a friendly conversation.
Deepika’s mother-in-law, Anju Bhavnani, was also spotted at the event, dressed in black.Similarly, there was another video showing Ranveer greeting Mukesh Ambani and Isha Ambani in the midst of his ramp walk. Ranveer and Alia were the showstoppers for Manish’s The Bridal Couture Show. The designer has also crafted outfits for their upcoming film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. Karan Johar, the film’s director and a close friend of Manish, was present at the event as well.