After her Bollywood stint as an actor and then a filmmaker, Pooja Bhatt made her OTT debut with Bigg Boss OTT 2. Surprisingly, Pooja managed to connect with the digital audience and emerged as a finalist in the Salman Khan show. The actor-filmmaker has always been known for her fierceness and honesty, be it regarding her personal or professional life
In an interview with Siddharth Kanan, Pooja Bhatt opened up about tasting stardom in her teens and then deciding to not face the camera for the next 20 years. She also talked about her father Mahesh Bhatt choosing to marry again and how she never was insecure about it. Pooja further discussed the infamous kiss with her father for a magazine shoot, which continues to be used against them by naysayers.
Stating that she doesn’t regret it, Pooja Bhatt explained that ‘unfortunately’ frozen moments can be represented and misrepresented by many. She shared that Shah Rukh Khan told her the same. She also explained how as parents, you tend to always remain a baby, and you can show your affection by kissing them. “It was an innocent moment captured which has been connoted in so many ways. Jisko jo karna hai, woh karenge (people will do what they want to). I am not going to sit here and defend it. If someone can question a father-daughter bond like this, they are capable of thinking the worst.
Talking about her father’s choosing to marry Soni Razdan, Pooja Bhatt said that as a film family, their private life would always be splashed in magazines. However, before that, her parents sat her down and told her everything about their equation
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