Pratik Sehajpal best known for his stint in the Salman Khan-hosted Bigg Boss 15 has dropped a picture with Tamannaah Bhatia on Instagram. The 30-year-old has bagged a cameo role with the actress in an upcoming suspense and investigative thriller OTT series, titled Aakhri Sach. Helmed by Robbie Grewal and written by Saurav Dey, Aakhri Sach is set to start streaming on Disney+Hotstar on August 25. Pratik Sehajpal was last seen in the popular television soap opera Naagin in its sixth season
In the first episode of Aakhri Sach, Pratik is seen flirting with gorgeous Tamannaah. Pratik’s flirting skills impressed the audience. One user wrote, ‘Woow Chaa Gaye Guru Healthy Flirting #AakhriSach #PratikSehajpal #PratickSejpal
Actor Pratik Sehajpal who currently essays the role of Gungun in the TV sitcom ‘Wagle Ki Duniya – Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey’, is excited to make her Bollywood debut with the upcoming film ‘The Diplomat’ starring John Abraham and Sadia Khateeb. Prapti said: “I’m very excited to finally have my Bollywood dream come true. The Diplomat will be an amazing movie and I’m excited to play an important role in the movie.”
who currently essays the role of Gungun in the TV sitcom ‘Wagle Ki Duniya – Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey’, is excited to make her Bollywood debut with the upcoming film ‘The Diplomat’ starring John Abraham and Sadia Khateeb. Prapti said: “I’m very excited to finally have my Bollywood dream come true. The Diplomat will be an amazing movie and I’m excited to play an important role in the movie.
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