Actor Rhea Chakraborty has responded to a question on whether she had supplied drugs to her late boyfriend-actor Sushant Singh Rajput. In an interview with India Today, Rhea also talked about if she has got closure three years after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. Rhea also opened up about how people react at times with pitiful eyes on seeing her.
Speaking with India Today, Rhea Chakraborty said, “Honestly, when I enter a room, I can see it in people’s faces. I can see people looking at me with pitiful eyes ki kaise zinda hai (how is she alive) and some others are like we are rooting for her and she should go on. When I have conversations with people, I can hear the thoughts in their minds. Sometimes they are looking at me and thinking she doesn’t seem like a criminal. I can feel that thought at the same time. Does it matter to me? Absolutely not.”
Talking about getting closure, Rhea added, “I don’t think closure is the right word. I don’t think you can get closure from something like this. The thing is I faced a personal loss. There can never be closure on that. It engulfs your life at the start then your life starts growing around it. But, it will always exist. It will always be in your back pocket. It will always be rear from the back of your mind and say that I am here. Don’t think I am gone. So I don’t think I will get closure in that sense. But, has it changed my perspective, yes
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