Veteran actress Saira Banu shared several throwback pictures with her husband, the late legendary actor Dilip Kumar, on Instagram. She also penned a long caption and revealed that Dilip Kumar loved monsoon. Heavy rain in Mumbai made Saira Banu nostalgic as she recalled some magical moments with Dilip Kumar, whom she fondly called ‘Sahib’. She also revealed how the Devdas actor proposed to her on a rainy day.
The veteran actress wrote, “Sahib loved the rain and if he was out of the house in a meeting and there would be a first shower…he would immediately call me with delight, ‘Saira it’s raining’. In fact, many years ago as we walked by Juhu Beach in the quiet of a wondrous night, there was a sudden shower of rain and he protectively took off his jacket and draped it around my shoulders… that was the magical night that we sat in his car and he asked me… ‘Will you marry me?'”
Saira Banu added, “In later years, he happily bought a beautiful land at a hill station in Maharashtra… Sahib was always a farmer at heart, the proud son of a much respected Pathan fruit merchant in Peshawar. We would walk miles in the rain on the stony and green land geared up with our umbrellas dressed protectively in our mackintoshes, picking up shiny grazed pebbles and throwing them as far as we could in competition outdoing each other… of course, Sahib would always win… I always ran and collected these stones.
Saira Banu marked her Instagram debut on July 7, on the occasion of Dilip Kumar’s death anniversary. She mentioned that the account is an ode to the love life