Shah Rukh Khan has brought the most movies of the year, Jawan and everyone is enjoying it in theatres! The new movie by Atlee was released a week ago and is fast approaching the Rs 400 crore mark. Filled with adrenaline-pumping action scenes, stylized characters, and dialogue baazi, Jawan is being celebrated all across the globe. Talking about the dialogue baazi in the new movie, the SRK, Nayanthara starrer did not have the Baap-beta dialogue in it first. The writer of Jawan, Sumit Arora, has made a shocking and interesting claim
Bete ko haath lagane se pehle, Baap se baat kar,’ the dialogue reverberated in the ears of fans when they heard it first from Shah Rukh Khan in the Jawan trailer. Sumit Arora has shared the real story behind the now iconic dialogue which has been linked to SRK and Aryan Khan’s relationship and the drug case. Arora tells a news wire that the story behind the dialogue will make one believe in the magic of filmmaking. Sumit claims that the dialogue was never a part of the original draft. The moment, however, the scene of Vikram (Shah Rukh) facing the villain was always there.
Arora who was on the set of Jawan at that time was called in. At that moment the first words that came out of his mouth were ‘Bete ko haath lagane se pehle, Baap se baat kar.’ The writer beamed about the dialogue saying, “It felt like the most obvious and most apt thing he should say at that moment