Punjab’s Gurdaspur MP and actor Sunny Deol statement over India-Pakistan relations at the trailer launch of his upcoming movie ‘Gadar 2’ has led to a controversy. The BJP MP on Wednesday blamed the “political game” for the hatred between India and Pakistan. At the trailer launch event of his upcoming film “Gadar 2” on Wednesday night, the actor said the people of the two nations don’t want to fight each other.
“It is all not about what to give and what to take, it is about humanity. There shouldn’t be any fights. There is equal love on both sides. Yeh siyasi khel hota hai jo sab nafratein paida karta hai. (It is the political game that gives birth to hatred), and you will see the same in this film as well.Janta nahi koi chahti ki ek dusre ke sath hum jhagda kare. (People don’t want us to fight with each other). After all, we are from the same land,” Deol, who is the BJP MP from Gurdaspur, told reporters
Sunny Deol statement has not gone down well with the netizens, who slammed him over his diplomatic stand. One user said, “The Shameful statement came out on #KargilVijayDiwas by so-called Patriot at the promotion event of Gadar 2.Tara Singh ne sara boycott apne upar le liye, ” said another, “What is this Aman ki Asha BS this guy is peddling? Wasn’t Gadar all about Pak bashing?”, wrote one user
Sunny Deol must have the common sense that people on this side will not take this comment lightly. They will boycott the movie. And people on that side don’t have the money to buy tickets to his movie, anyway.