Actor-politician Sunny Deol on Thursday made headlines after a video of the Bollywood star surfaced online, showing him purportedly getting angry with a fan who was trying to click a picture with him. In the video, doing the rounds of X, formerly Twitter, Deol is seen making his way out of an airport when a fan comes close to the actor and attempts to click a selfie. When the fan took time to capture the photo, a visibly annoyed Gadar 2 star tells him in Punjabi.
The clip comes two days after another video showed Deol, who is the BJP MP from Gurdaspur, getting annoyed after a couple of female fans tried to touch him while trying to click a photo with him
Several users criticized the actor on X for his behavior with the fans with a few attributing it to the success of his latest movie Gadar 2.
Watch the tone of Sunny Deol. ‘Lai na photo’! People should stop hounding Bollywood stars! Just let them be. Not worth the time or energy,” wrote a user
Another person tweeted, “Sunny Deol bhai, tere me kis baat ka ghamand hai? saalo baad ek movie chali hai, thoda humble hoja.
There were few voices in Deol’s defense as well. “Some are sharing his video of getting angry at fans for selfies & some are sharing his video saying ‘don’t touch me’. On both counts, Sunny Deol is right & carries the right to his privacy. Just coz he is humble, you can’t hound him for selfies, hugs & anything (sic),” a user said
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