Actors Swara Bhasker Renuka Shahane, and Prakash Raj among others, have responded to the Muzaffarnagar incident in which a private school instructor is accused of ordering a few young children to slap a classmate. The teacher allegedly also stated that students of a particular faith whose parents do not prioritize their education should be taught a lesson.
Reacting to the incident, Swara Bhasker took to X, formerly known as Twitter, and wrote, “Dear ‘shocked’ fellow Hindu, If you have voted for BJP, tried to be ‘objective’ or ‘neutral’ in the face of rank bigotry and hate, claimed to see ‘both sides’, remained silent in the face of all that has happened in the last decade. Then take your shock and stuff it up someplace in the rear. You don’t get to virtue signal today! #ArrestTriptaTyagi #ArrestTriptaTayagi
Renuka Shahane also posted on X and wrote, “That vile teacher should be behind bars! Instead, she might just get a national teacher’s award for promoting national integration! Kafkaesque!! Cry, my beloved country
The Uttar Pradesh police said on Friday that an investigation has been started. A 39-second video clip of the incident recently surfaced online. According to the officials, the incident happened in a school run from a private residence in Khubbapur village. Officials familiar with the matter have identified the teacher as Tripta Tyagi. In the video, she is allegedly seen sitting on her chair and prompting children in her class to slap a boy for not learning multiplication tables