If there’s one Bollywood pair that we’ve all literally seen growing up on-screen is Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan. It’s the most iconic Jodi’s of all time, and they’re the OG Bollywood couple who made us believe in love and fairytales. The actress is currently busy promoting her show ‘Trial’, and while doing the same, during an interview, she revealed how SRK gave her the courage to finish the song ‘Jaati Hoon Main’ from Karan Arjun. Scroll below to read the scoop.
The actress also spoke about one habit of Shah Rukh Khan that she doesn’t like and that he memorizes everyone’s dialogues and said, “What I don’t like, and I also find is most endearing about him, is the fact that when he comes on the set, he knows all the dialogues of everybody on the set. It doesn’t matter if we are doing a three-page scene, he would have memorized all the three pages. He knows my dialogues, his dialogues, and third person’s dialogues as well.”
What are your thoughts on Kajol spilling the beans on shooting ‘Jaati Hoon Main’ opposite Shah Rukh Khan in Karan Arjun? Tell us in the space below.
Both Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan shared screen space for the last time in the 2015 film Dilwale, directed by Rohit Shetty. Since then, they haven’t worked together. Kajol will be next seen in a film titled Sarzameen and in Do Patti. The latter is the maiden production venture of Kriti Sanon. Shah Rukh, on the other hand, is gearing up for the action thriller Jawan (directed by Atlee Kumar) and Rajkumari Hirani’s comedy-drama Dunki.
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