Hema Malini who is known as the Dream Girl of Bollywood was last seen in the movie Shimla Mirchi in 2020. She has been absent from the screen since then. However, the actress recently expressed her wish to make a comeback on the big screen but has one condition
In a recent interview with Zoom, when asked if she would like to make a return to the big screen, Hema Malini said, “Somebody should come and sign me up with a good role. It should be appropriate for my age. It can be glamorous but befitting my.” She also added if she is open to negative roles or not and said, “I am not a negative person at all. I cannot think of myself like that. I do not think bad for anybody so how can I do a negative role?
I mean, role toh kar sakte hai kuch bhi, but wesa role nahin karna (I can do such roles, but I do not like doing them). The role has to be positive and should have a positive message.”Hema Malini who is married to veteran actor Dharmendra also talked about sharing screen with him and said, “I do not know if you will see me and Dharam ji in a movie together, but maybe, who knows.
Hema Malini made her acting debut in 1963 with the Tamil film Idhu Sathiyam. She made her Bollywood debut in Sapno Ka Saudagar in 1968 and then starred in several Hindi films. The actress featured in Tum Haseen Main Jawaan with Dharmendra for the first time in 1970 and the duo later married in 1980. The couple has two daughters from their marriage, Esha Deol