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This 1 foot long thing is no less than elixir for health, more effective than medicine in more than 100 diseases, Shahjan benefits


Shahjan benefits in English

Calling it nectar should not be an exaggeration. It is such a magic potion that everything is useful. Yes, we are talking about drumsticks. Drumstick plant is a plant that is full of medicinal properties. Everything from its roots to its leaves and vegetables are useful. Drumsticks grow more than 1 foot long which are stick-like. That is why it is also called drum stick. Ayurveda claims that drumstick cures 300 types of diseases. Even science has accepted the fact that drumstick is a precious diamond which is more effective than medicine in many diseases.

Eliminates blood sugar

According to Healthline News, several studies have found that drumstick reduces high blood sugar to a great extent. Blood sugar are increases the much risk of heart disease. According to a report published in the journal PubMed Central, when 30 women were given 7 grams of drumstick leaf powder per day, blood sugar levels dropped by 13.5 percent. In addition, the effect of drumstick on blood sugar was also measured in several other studies. According to studies, 50 grams of drumstick powder per day lowers blood sugar by more than 21 percent. Scientists believe that the isothiocyanates compound in drumstick does not raise blood sugar.

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Effective in 300 diseases

Ayurvedic doctor Diksha Bhavsar wrote on social media that drumstick or Moringa is a miraculous tree that can cure 300 types of diseases. Diseases like hair loss, acne-acne, anemia, rheumatism, cough, asthma can be cured with drumstick. It also increases immunity. Moringa or drumstick is rich in antibiotic, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antidiabetic, antiviral and antifungal properties.It corrects the body’s hemoglobin deficit. It also reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol. Kidney and liver can be detoxified with drumstick. Drumstick is very beneficial in weight loss. Drumstick boosts metabolism. It corrects thyroid function. It boosts new moms’ milk production.

More effective than medicine in more than 100 diseases, Shahjan benefits.

How much dose is required per day?

Dr. Diksha Bhavsar says that you can also include it in your daily diet. If you can’t eat sargan daily, take a teaspoon of its leaf powder daily, it will keep you away from many diseases. If you mix it in flour, it will also be beneficial. Apart from this you can drink it by mixing it in drinks or smoothies. However, do not take more than one teaspoon of powder.

Who should not eat

Drumstick has a warming effect, so those who have heat problems in their body should not consume drumstick. People suffering from acidity, bleeding, piles, heavy periods, pimples should not eat drumstick. If you want to include moringa or drumstick in your daily diet, consult a doctor first.



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