Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2 is shattering box office records with every passing day. The film has successfully completed a week in theatres and is estimated to have earned Rs 283 crore net in India. While the film is having a dream run, it hasn’t surpassed ‘Pathaan’s Week 1 collection. Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Pathaan’ managed to mint Rs 318.50 crore by the end of its first week in theatres.
On August 17, ‘Gadar 2’ completed a week in theatres and has put up a respectable total of Rs 283 crore net in India. The film is now inching closer to Rs 300 crore at the domestic box office. It is likely to surpass the milestone by the end of this week.
Going by the reports, ‘Gadar 2’ is estimated to have collected Rs 22 crore on August 17 with an occupancy of 35.06 percent.
For the past few days, comparisons between ‘Gadar 2’ and ‘Pathan’s’ box office collections have been doing the rounds. Based on the trade reports, ‘Pathaan’ still remains to be on top after having earned Rs 318 crore net in India in Week 1.
Gadar 2 follows Tara Singh as he ventures across the border in a daring attempt to rescue his son, portrayed by Utkarsh Sharma, who has been captured in Pakistan. Set in Lahore during the year 1971, perfectly delivers on its prequel’s captivating action sequences while depicting Tara Singh’s relentless anger towards those instigating hatred between India and Pakistan.