Home Space Science Chandrayaan 3 Pragyan rover confirmed presence of Sulphur on Moon, the traces...

Chandrayaan 3 Pragyan rover confirmed presence of Sulphur on Moon, the traces of the element, search for a hydrogen on moon.


ISRO on Tuesday said that in the first ever in-situ measurements carried out in the lunar polar region the laser introduced breakdown spectroscope instrument on what Chandrayaan thrillers over Pragya Thinly unambiguously confirmed the presence of sulphur in the Lunar surface near the South Pole a high energy laser pulse is forced onto the surface of material such as a rock or soil the laser pulse generates an extremely hot and low coast plasma is lucid the collected plasma lightly is especially resolved and detected by detectors such as charge couple device since each element emits a collector set of wavelength of light when it is in a plasma state

Other element detected to

the space agency said that preliminary analysis graphically represented have uneven the presence of aluminum sulfur calcium iodine chlorium on the Lunar surface further measurement have the wheel the presence of magnesium of season to investigation regarding the presence of hydrogen is underway it’s so said.

next generation technologies such as 3 axis fiber optics gyro optical communication memes nanotechnology detector and development of science payload for future space mission are being pursued accounting issue and the work is progress to find the hydrogen on the surface of moon from the Lunar surface.



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